Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hands off the Holy Quran!

The repression of Muslims in Russia grows and grows. Many classical Islamic texts have been banned by the authorities. This ban even includes Russian translations of the Noble Quran.

Last year, in Dagestan Russian language editions of the Quran were banned. The expert council of the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Dagestan (STMD) banned “the sale and distribution of any literal translations of the Quran, beginning with Krachkovsky’s translation and ending with Valeria Porokhovaya’s translations”. In the specially published edict they also announced that the ban extends to the distribution of “audio, video, and photo material on a religious theme without the STMD’s approval”. The STMD explains such steps as a strengthening of measures taken in the war against “Wahhabism”. This proves that the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Dagestan is working together with the punitive system of Moscow’s Kremlin against the Muslims of the Caucasus.

And say: “Truth has (now)
Arrived and Falsehood perished
For Falsehood is (by its nature)
Bound to perish.”

We send down (stage by stage)
In the Qur'an that which
Is a healing and mercy
To those who believe:
To the unjust it causes
Nothing but loss after loss.

Chechen Press

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You`re doing a great job here, Zanjabil. I really pray that Allah rewards you for what you`re doing here. You`ve chosen to start your own electronic battle and you`re already doing good. But I`d like to tell you that you will be heavily crticized by Zionists and Islamophobes. Don`t care about them whatsoever. Keep doing your great work here and never give it up.

6:52 pm  

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